Penguins NEED Tiny, Knitted Sweaters (Seriously).


Well, it looks like one of the cutestĀ things on Earth is actually for a good cause, too! The Penguin Foundation, based out of Australia, has been urging people from all over the world to help knit and send mini sweaters they can use to help penguins in need.

Unfortunately, it is common for penguins to get caught in oil spills around Australia, and the sweaters go to those in rehab. The sweaters keep the penguins warm and also help avoid the birds trying to remove the toxic oil from their bodies with their beaks. Plus, they’re absolutely adorable.

And if you thought this situation couldn’t get any more “aww”- worthy, think again. It turns out that Australia’s oldest man (109 years old!) regularly knits small ‘jumpers’ for his penguin friends. Check it out below!

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