Category: Animals
Teeny, Tiny “Sea Bunnies” Take the Internet By Storm

Measuring less than 3 centimeters in size, Jorunna parva sea slugs, affectionately nicknamed “sea bunnies” are one of more than 3,000 species of mollusks typically found in the Western Indo-Pacific region, most notably off the coast of Japan. These shell-less, gender-less slugs come in all shapes and colors–but don’t let the …
Tense? Uptight? Furball Issues? Treat Your Cat to Some Meowijuana
Kittens Acting Out Harry Potter Movies is Everything You’ve Ever Wanted
So, Hedgehog Conventions Are Definitely a Thing

People love hedgehogs. First, they’re adorable (obviously). Second, they make great, friendly pets. But did you also know that they can win awards and be champion show “hedgies”? On top of that, your beloved, round pets are so important that they have a military tactic named after them? No matter what your reason …
Volvo Uses a Hamster to Test Drive Their New Monster Truck
Woman Breastfeeds Puppy to Save it’s Life, Posts Pic on Facebook
Wimbledon Tennis Balls Save British Mice

Tens of thousands of Eurasian harvest mice would die every year without the help of the Wimbledon Tennis Club and 1,000’s of used tennis balls from the annual championship. The Eurasian harvest mouse is a tiny, adorable rodent weighing in at around 4 grams (for comparison, an American nickel weighs …
Cop Trapped by Millions of Bees

Bees are in incredibly important part of virtually every aspect of nature. In addition to pollinating flowers, Bees also are largely responsible for the pollination of nearly one-third of all the food that we eat, including apples, broccoli, pumpkins and much more. In fact, “their role in producing better quality …