NSFW: 5 Modern Cannibals

We’ve all heard the horror stories about people eating other people, and most assume that cannibals are old wives’ tales. Unfortunately, the horrific act of eating human flesh is more real–and common–than you might think. Here, we list 5 of the most recent–and horrific–stories of cannibalism from around the globe. Consider …
Adult Baby Store Causes Outrage in IL

“Adult Baby Syndrome,” or paraphilic infantilism, is (you guessed it!), when grown adults choose to dress up, role-play and live as if they are babies. The sexual fetish seems to be a growing trend, with estimates between 200,000-500,000 people being adult babies in the U.S. and U.K. In one British documentary, …
Snake Comes Through Toilet to Bite Man–For 30 Minutes!

Having a toilet get clogged or finding plumbing problems is a pretty common occurrence in America, but in Thailand, toilets can have a little bit more “exotic” problems. For Attaporn Boonmakchuay, a quick trip to the bathroom turned into a nightmare when he was savagely bitten by a 9-food python…on his “family …
Woman Gets “Cartoon” Eye Implants

We’ve certainly seen some people go a little crazy with plastic surgery (think the “real life Ken doll“), but perhaps none as extreme as model Pixee Fox. The 25-year-old has had more than 15 surgeries to get her extreme look, including four sets of breast implants, liposuction, tattooing on permanent makeup …
The Best Inventions You Never Knew You Needed
Rare Shipwreck Found on Boston Construction Site

Local Boston construction company Skanska was in for a surprise while preparing the site for a new 17-story office building. Partway though the initial dig, the team was shocked to find a shipwreck! According to one article about the find, “City archaeologist Joe Bagley said Thursday it’s the first time a …
Man Removes Teeth for World Record
Man Dangles From Flying Helicopter
Edible Beer Holders Help Save Ocean Animals

We’ve all heard the scary statistics: every year, thousands and thousands of sea birds, turtles and other marine life are mangled, poisoned, killed or otherwise harmed by the countless plastic beverage rings that end up in the ocean. Sure, cutting might help prevent some animals but being trapped in a …